Solver Collective requests when using our logos that a minimum amount of space is alloted on all sides of the logo to respect the intent of our designers. This spacing should help prevent images, other branding, and page edges from interfering with Solver branding assets.
Furthermore, Solver branding elements should not be skewed, distorted, or manipulated in any way that isn’t covered in this document without consent from Solver Collective.
HEX - #B48F3E
RGB - 180, 143, 62
CMYK - 24, 39, 100, 10
HEX - #000000
RGB - 00, 00, 00
CMYK - 75, 68, 67, 90
*or true black according to printer
RGB - 255, 255, 255
CMYK - 0, 0, 0, 0