CAPiTA spent years perfecting the art of snowboard craftsmanship. In 2016 they opened the doors to their new flagship manufacturing facility called The Mothership, the most energy efficient and responsible snowboard manufacturing plant in the world. We crafted this page as a single page story telling experience to help customer, distributors, and investors understand what The Mothership was all about.
Watch this video to see the page in action.
Building on top of Drupal Commerce, we built a custom user account dashboard allows customers to quickly see/update their personal information and check on shopping orders.
Handling kick ass graphics with animations and catering to mobile devices was not always an easy solution, but we always came up with something.
Product videos were produced in-house by Mark and Corey and proved to be a great sales tool and instructional video for retail shops.
Being an internationally distributed brand means some extra rules and regulations apply when dealing with e-commerce. We not only had to identify the location of the user based on IP information but we also had to pass that information through a tangled web of web caching systems like Cloudflare and Varnish.
HTML 5 Geolocation helps the user get immediate results for finding a retail store that sells CAPiTA Snowboards in their local area.
Product inventory from our e-commerce was synchronized with a central inventory system so that CAPiTA snowboards could be sold on our US distribution website as well as the main brand website. When a product was sold out, we directed the customer to "Find a Dealer" and sent them to an interactive store locator.